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UPDATE: CANCELLED — Explore Ogilvie Forest Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 2 PM

Updated: Jan 6

Pine woods in sunlight.


Because of the upcoming snowstorm, and the request from the Lincoln and Weston public safety officials to minimize driving, we have cancelled our Sunday 2pm walk.

After the storm passes, we hope to see you on the trails skiing, snow shoeing, or walking. It should be soul-satisfyingly beautiful!

Our next Sunday walk will be in Jericho Forest on February 4th, 2pm. See you then.

Original walk description:

Our first monthly walk of 2024 will take place on Sunday, January 7 at 2 PM in Ogilvie Town Forest. We will begin in Lincoln and walk into Weston’s largest and wildest forest. Park on the street near 47 Old Sudbury Road in Lincoln, by “Ponyhenge."

All ages are welcome, as are well behaved dogs on leash. Walkers need not be Weston Forest and Trail Association members, but we encourage you to consider joining us, as dues support the maintenance of Weston's trails and open spaces. WFTA has been hosting Sunday Walks for over sixty years.

Please check our home page for any last minute changes or developments.


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