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May 7, 2017 Trail Walk: Highland Forest

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Map showing parking location and trailhead at Regis College
Overview map, see also Regis campus map below.

The Weston Forest and Trail Association will conduct its next monthly trail walk on Sunday, May 7, 2017. The walk will begin at 2:00 PM and will last about an hour-and-a-half. We will meet at THE TRAIL HEAD, see maps.

Following the walk, the Annual Meeting in the Scout House at 86 School Street will take place at 4 pm. Lots of good refreshments will be served. The guest speaker will be Bryan Windmiller, the founder and executive director of Grassroots Wildlife Conservation, an NGO which integrates hands-on educational programs into the conservation of rare animal and plant species.

The walk will cover a subset of the trails in the Highland Forest. A map and more details about the area can be found in Chapter 12 in the book “Walks on Weston Conservation Land” by Elmer Jones. This book ($5) and a trail map ($10) can be purchased at the Conservation Commission office in the Town Hall. (Edited to show reduced book price.)

You do not have to be a member of the Weston Forest and Trail Association to join the walk, but please consider becoming a member. Your membership dues support the maintenance and preservation of Weston’s open space. Please bring your friends. Well behaved dogs and small children are welcome, but they must be on a leash.

For more information contact the walk leader, Barbara Zenker, (EDIT: contact info removed after walk).

Detail map of Regis campus with parking locations.


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