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A variety of news...

Updated: Aug 15, 2019


Watch a PSA video about WFTA, courtesy of Weston Media Center!

Trail maintenance

Lynn Atkins, our experienced forester, has been keeping busy with clearing and maintaining our trails so that we can all enjoy the wonderful woods of Weston. From time to time, Lynn has been taking photos of the trails and of the work she is doing, and a selection is shown below.

The financial support from our members provides the funds for this work. Please consider joining us or renewing your membership! You can read some trail reports from Lynn among our Trail Management news posts.

January walk

Attendees gathered at the Concord Road entrance to the rail trail

The turnout for the January walk led by Gail Palmer was enormous...and everybody really enjoyed the sunny — but cold — day. The walks on the first Sunday each month are led by Weston Forest and Trail trustees. This is a great way to get fresh air, exercise and bask in the enjoyment of our open spaces...unique for a place so close to Boston.

Trails app

The "AllTrails" app is a wonderful way to find and use our trails and others. Get it here: AllTrails app


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